Neurodiversity and Coaching

In addition to my neurotypical clients, I have worked with a number of neurodiverse individuals with autism, ADHD, and learning differences.  I have a formal background in both cognitive development and education, and many of my views are further shaped by neurodiverse friends and family.  

My mission is to help people build meaningful lives—as defined by themselves, not others.  As with all my clients, we clarify what that means, and examine your current strengths and resources.   But how does your neurodiversity factor in?  Are there additional challenges posed?  What skill development might we consider?  What alternative paths might we need to take?  

A non-judgmental, realistic assessment can help us answer these questions, and design better solutions for you.  Neurodiversity can certainly add some extra difficulties at times, but it shouldn't have to compromise your overall vision.  I work to help you deal with these challenges as they emerge, so you can live the life you want.

Experience & Certifications

I am certified in the LifeMap (™) Coaching Method employed by the Asperger Autism Network and a member of the Asperger/Autism Professional Coach Association.

I have over 20 years experience identifying learning supports, accommodations, and resources for neurodiverse individuals. Since 2007, I have facilitated parent support groups for children and teens on the Autism spectrum.

Finally, as a graduate of the New York State Partners in Policy-Making program, my work is heavily influenced by their positive vision for a full, person-centered life.

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