The Coaching Process

What is coaching?

Coaching is supported, individualized, practical work with an ally on goals that are important to you.  Coaching is collaborative solution-building to create more of the life you want for yourself.  

As your coach, I will provide guidance and expertise, but the choices are yours, always.  A coach will not do things for you.  Instead a coach  will help you find the means to do it for yourself in a way that can work for you, while encouraging and supporting you along the way.

woman talking to a man while sitting by a body of water

How does coaching differ from therapy?

Therapy is a medical service, provided by a licensed psychologist or social worker to address mental health and wellness concerns. Coaching is much more practical and strategic in nature, addressing personal goals and concerns in daily life.

stack of open books in front of a window

What happens in coaching?

We typically meet weekly to clarify the specific goals you would like to accomplish, and then create manageable plans for achieving them.  As your coach, I will help you:  ​

  • Identify your strengths and resources

  • Develop new skills as needed

  • Objectively monitor your progress

  • Avoid overwhelm

  • Problem-solve obstacles and adjust plans accordingly

  • Build on success until you finally accomplish your goal

man with glasses typing on laptop