About Me

Jan Campito, M.S, M.Phil offers specialized coaching services in Upstate New York.

I received my B.A. in early childhood education from UNC-Greensboro, and my graduate degrees in cognitive developmental psychology from Yale University.  I have taught both undergraduate and graduate-level college courses in human development and education at SUNY- Albany and Union College.  As a college instructor, I worked to teach more effective study skills and to help students better organize and improve their writing.

Since leaving college teaching, I shifted my focus towards exploring the needs of people on the autism spectrum or with similar neurodiversities.  As the parent support group facilitator at The College of Saint Rose Friday Knights Program since 2007, I have assisted families in advocating for the needs of neurodiverse children and teens in all areas of their lives.  

I am certified in the LifeMap coaching method by AANE (Asperger Autism Network).  I am a graduate of the New York State Chapter of Partners in Policy-Making, a training program for self-advocates, family members and professionals supporting individuals with disabilities across the life-span.  I am also trained in Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking program as well as UCLA’s PEERS social skills program. 

Selected Publications:

Supportive Parenting:
Becoming an Advocate for
Your Child with Special Needs

Autism Digest August 2022 magazine cover

Contributing Author
Colleges & Educational Alternatives
Autism Digest

Contributed Chapter:
Countdowns, Mis-launches,
and Birds in Flight

Autism Sensory Digest February-April 2022 Magazine Cover

Contributing Author
Emotional Regulation
Autism Sensory Digest

Contributing Author
COVID and Autism:
What is its Impact?

When I’m not working…

I enjoy travel, reading, and solving kakuro, crossword, and jigsaw puzzles. Other pastimes include shooting pool with my family, and cemetery walks with the large, energetic dog we “inherited” from one of our sons!

Interested in working with me as a life coach?

Get in touch with me today for more information on how to get started.